Investment to the development (EN) - ИРБИСТЕХ

The partnership with Pulsar Venture Capital 

The manufacturing company IRBISTECH  got the investment from the venture company “Pulsar Venture Capital” ( for the development of its products, manufacturing base and access to foreign markets. The main issues for the next period will be:

 Release of the new blaster version with the new design for the European Union and the customs Union

Release of the granulation module for the European Union and the customs Union

Release of the mini dry ice cleaning machine for the custom Union

Additional increase in product reliability

Pulsar Venture Capital – is an early stage venture fund, competence center and business-accelerator, creating conditions for innovative projects realization, developing high-tech and technology companies. The Pulsar team and experts are fully committed to working with projects, using their experience and knowledge to develop and successfully grow technology businesses, as well as to achieve economic results and form a strong modern team. In choosing development paths for startups, are guided by the principle of modernity and practicality in business development, which will ensure the active and sustainable development of the technology company. Pulsar Venture Capital is headquartered in Kazan. Representative offices operate in the United States, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates.


ИРБИСТЕХ – Russian manufacturing company, producing innovative dry ice equipment. The main products of the company are:  

PU20 Modules – machines for dry ice pellets producing, used for the dry ice cleaning (cryogenic blasting) and for cooling perishable products. Own energetical optimization of the dry ice pellets pressing system is used (global novelty).      

Dry ice cleaning machines- equipment for dry ice cleaning, that is environmentally friendly replacement of the sand blasting with saving the capacity and cleaning power. Own technology of large pellets grinding, supersonic nozzles and sealed pellets supplying to the compressed air flow is used in the machine.  

Mini dry ice blasters – the same as dry ice cleaning machines, but with compact size and weight, low pellets consumption, working in the compressed air flow. Machine has significant cleaning power without using classic injection system as analogues use.